Zbog represije, nasilja i utamničenja bjeloruskih novinarki i novinari SNH je zajedno s ostalim članicama Europske federacija novinara uputio zajedničko pismo Vladi Republike Hrvatske i premijeru Andreju Plenkoviću u kojem apeliramo na hitno djelovanje i zaštitu slobode medija u Bjelorusiji.
Čak 12 naših kolegica i kolega je u ovom trenutku u zatvoru. Nad mnogima se provode montirani procesi, a od nelegitimnih izbora privedeno je gotovo 500 novinarki i novinara. OVDJE saznajte adrese na koje možete poslati pismo potpore zatočenim kolegicama i kolegama.
U nastavku možete pročitati pismo koje smo poslali premijeru Plenkoviću.
Predsjednik Vlade Republike Hrvatske, gosp. Andrej Plenković
Trg sv. Marka 2
10 000 Zagreb
PREDMET: Pismo članica EFJ-a europskim šefovima država i vlada o situaciji u Bjelorusiji
Mi, čelnici novinarskih sindikata i udruga u Europi, pišemo vam kako bismo izrazili duboku zabrinutost zbog pojačavanja represije u Bjelorusiji. Apel vam šaljemo 25. ožujka, koji je u Bjelorusiji Dan slobode, kada se oporba godišnje okuplja u velikom broju u čast proglašenja Bjeloruske narodne republike 1918. godine.
Danas u zemlji ima preko 250 političkih zatvorenika, uključujući 12 novinara. I ovo je samo vrh sante leda. Od nelegitimnih predsjedničkih izbora 9. kolovoza 2020., više od 30 000 ljudi (uključujući 480 novinara) privedeno je, od kojih su mnogi bili podvrgnuti mučenju i zlostavljanju, a više od 1000 ljudi meta su kaznenog progona.
Apeliramo na vašu vladu da
– zahtijeva od bjeloruskih vlasti hitno puštanje 12 zatvorenih novinara, povlačenje upravnog i kaznenog postupka protiv bjeloruskih novinara i ponovno otvaranje novinarskog kluba u Minsku;
– apelirate na Ujedinjene narode, OESS, Vijeće Europe i Europsku uniju, tako da međunarodna zajednica pojačava pritisak i poduzima mjere u slučaju stalnih kršenja ljudskih prava i slobode tiska u Bjelorusiji.
S poštovanjem,
Mogens Blicher Bjerregård, President of the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ)
Andrei Bastunets, President of the Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ), Belarus
Eike-Clemens Kullmann, President of the Journalistengewerkschaft in der GPA-djp (GPA-djp), Austria
Mushfig Alasgarli, Chairman of the Journalist’s Trade Union of Azerbaijan (JUHI), Azerbaijan
Martine Simonis, General Secretary of the Association des Journalistes Professionnels (AJP) and National Secretary of the Association Générale des Journalistes Professionnels de Belgique (AGJPB), Belgium
Pol Deltour, National Secretary of the Belgische / Vlaamse Vereniging van Journalisten (VVJ/AVBB), Belgium
Borka Rudić, Secretary General of the Bosnia-Herzegovina Journalists Association (BHJA), Bosnia and Herzegovina
Maja Sever, President of the Trade Union of Croatian Journalists (TUCJ), Croatia
Hrvoje Zovko, President of the Croatia Journalists’ Association (CJA), Croatia
George Frangos, President of the Union of Cyprus Journalists (UCJ), Cyprus
Çağdaş Öğüç, Secretary of International Relations of Basın-Sen, Cyprus
Adam Černý, President of the Syndicate of Journalists of Czech Republic, Czechia
Tine Johansen, President of the Danish Union of Journalists (DJ), Denmark
Helle Tiikmaa, President of the Estonian Union of Journalists (EAL), Estonia
Hanne Aho, President of the Union of Journalists in Finland, Finland
Emmanuel Poupard, Premier Secrétaire général du Syndicat national des journalistes (SNJ), France
Emmanuel Vire, General Secretary of Syndicat national de journalistes CGT (SNJ-CGT), France
Frank Überall, President of the Deutscher Journalisten-Verband (DJV), Germany
Monique Hofmann, Bundesgeschäftsführerin, Deutsche Journalistinnen- und Journalisten-Union (dju) in ver.di, Germany
Maria Antoniadou, President of the Journalists Union of the Athens Daily Newspapers (JUADN), Greece
Elena Rizeakou, President of the Panhellenic Federation of Journalists’ Union (PFJU), Greece
Nikolaos Karras, President of the Journalists Union of Macedonia and Thrace (ESIEMTH), Greece
Themistoklis Beredimas, President of the Periodical and Electronic Press Union (P.E.P.U), Greece
László M. Lengyel, Executive Chairman of the Hungarian Press Union (HPU), Hungary
Raffaele Lorusso, General Secretary of the Federazione Nazionale Stampa Italiana (FNSI), Italy
Anna Del Freo, Deputy General Secretary of the FNSI, Italy
Dainius Radzevičius, President of the Lithuanian Journalists’ Union (LŽS), Lithuania
Ines Kurschat, President of the Association Luxembourgeoise des Journalistes Professionnels (ALJP), Luxembourg
Nigel Mifsud, General Secretary of the Institute of Maltese Journalists (IGM), Malta
Renske Heddema, President of the Nederlandse Vereniging van Journalisten (NVJ), The Netherlands
Dag Idar Tryggestad, President of the Norwegian Union of Journalists, Norway
Krzysztof Skowroński, President of the Polish Association of Journalists (SDP), Poland
Seweryn Blumsztajn, President of the Society of Journalists, Poland
Sofia Branco, President of Sindicato dos Jornalistas (SJ), Portugal
Leonard Octavian Pădureț, President of the Federation Culture & Mass-Media FAIR-MediaSind, Romania
Cristinel Godinac, President of the Romanian Trade Union of Journalists MediaSind, Romania
Vladimir Radomirović, President of the Journalists’ Association of Serbia (JAS-UNS), Serbia
Zeljko Bodrozic, President of the Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia (IJAS-NUNS), Serbia
Dragana Čabarkapa, President of the Journalist Union of Serbia (Sinos), Serbia
Daniel Modrovsky, President of Slovensky Syndikat Novinarov (SSN), Slovakia
Petra Lesjak Tušek, President of the Slovene Association of Journalists (DNS), Slovenia
Nemesio Rodríguez, President of the Federación de Asociaciones de Periodistas de España (FAPE), Spain
Marta Barcenilla Escaño, Institutional Secretary of the Federal Executive Committee of FSC-CCOO, Spain
Mariano Rivero Puche, Coordinator of AgP-UGT (FeSMC-UGT), Spain
Ulrika Hyllert, President of the Swedish Journalists’ Union (SJ), Sweden
Dr. Franca Siegfried, President of impressum, Swiss Journalists’ Federatuion, Switzerland
Stephanie Vonarburg, Vice-President of syndicom, Switzerland
Mustafa Kuleli, General Secretary of Turkiye Gazeteciler Sendikasi (TGS), Turkey
Yusuf Kanli, Vice-Chairman of Gazeteciler Cemiyeti Dernegi (GCD), Turkey
Özge Yurttaş, General Secretary of DİSK Basın İş, Turkey
Sergiy Tomilenko, President of the National Union of journalists of Ukraine (NUJU), Ukraine
Serhiy Shturkhetskyy, Chairman of the Independent Media Trade-Union of Ukraine (IMTUU), Ukraine
Michelle Stanistreet, National Union of Journalists General Secretary (NUJ), United Kingdom
Foto: Stringer / AFP
Foto: Stringer / AFP