COPEAM, neprofitna udruga posvećena promicanju dijaloga i kulturne integracije u mediteranskoj regiji, i Sjever-Jug Centar Vijeća Europe pozivaju vas na sudjelovanje u novom međunarodnom treningu o načinima suzbijanja seksističkih stereotipa i promicanja rodne ravnopravnosti u medijima u Europi i u južno-mediteranskoj regiji.
Trening je otvoren za novinare i medijske profesionalce, studente sveučilišta u medijima i novinarstvu, predstavnike relevantnih organizacija civilnog društva aktivnih na polju medija i / ili ravnopravnosti spolova.
Riječ je o inovativnom, integriranom i multisektorskom treningu koji kombinira virtualne i osobne module. Obuhvaća pitanja vezana uz rodnu (ne) ravnopravnost u informacijskom polju u vezi s proizvodnjom sadržaja i razvojem karijere.
Cilj mu je povećati svijest i profesionalne vještine u borbi protiv rodnih stereotipa u javnoj komunikaciji, favorizirati uzajamno učenje između obrazovne i profesionalne dimenzije, promovirati ravnopravniji, raznolikiji i inkluzivniji medijski sektor, poboljšati sposobnosti za korištenje novih tehnologije i pametno novinarstvo za izvještavanje o rodnim pitanjima.
ROK za prijave je do 5. veljače 2021.
U nastavku više detalja iz Poziva na sudjelovanje
for media professionals, students, CSOs’ representatives
February-June 2021
The promotion of women’s role in the Mediterranean region through the media is one of COPEAM’s priorities. Over the past years, COPEAM has been actively engaged in developing training, production and peering activities specifically devoted to this issue.
From 2017 to 2019, COPEAM was partner of AGEMI (Advancing Gender Equality in the Media Industry), an EU-funded project whose main output is an unprecedented on-line training platform and a set of openly accessible resources (
In 2021, COPEAM and the North-South Centre[1] of the Council of Europe launch a new international training action about countering sexist stereotypes and promoting gender equality in the media in Europe and in the South-Mediterranean region.
A new participative training for media professionals, students and CSOs’ representatives
WHAT: “Gender Equality in the Media” is a free participative international training action.
WHERE: It is open to participants from Europe (Council of Europe Member States) and the Southern Mediterranean countries (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia).
WHO: It is open to 1) journalists and media professionals; 2) media & journalism university students; 3) representatives from relevant civil society organizations (CSOs) active in the field of media and/or gender equality.
HOW: It is an innovative, integrated and multi-sector training course that combines virtual and in-person modules. It covers issues related to gender (in)equality in the information field in relation to both content production and career development.
WHY: It aims to 1) enhance awareness and professional skills to fight gender stereotypes in public communication 2) favour mutual learning between the educational and the professional dimensions 3) promote a more equal, diverse and inclusive media sector 4) improve abilities to use new technologies and smart journalism to report about gender-related issues.
Organization of the training
- Venues: bi-weekly sessions through an on-line platform (February/May 2021) + in-person activities for journalists in Hammamet/Tunisia (June 2021 – if Covid19 restrictions allow it)
- Duration: 5 months (February – June 2021)
- Coordination: COPEAM, advisory team, mentors/facilitators
- Languages: English, French (note: a good level of written and spoken English is mandatory)
- A final certificate will be delivered to the beneficiaries having completed the training programme
Structure of the training
Due to the current travel restrictions related to the Covid-19, the training is structured as follows:
- an online moduleinvolving max 30 participants among journalists, students and CSOs’ representatives;
- a 3-day in-person workshop(organized in the framework of the N/S Centre’s MedUni event in Tunisia) involving only 10 journalists selected among the participants in the online training.
The participants are divided in teams and are accompanied by 3 mentors/facilitators.
The on-line module programme is designed and organized around the AGEMI e-learning resources on different aspects of the gender-media-equality relationship. The 3 mentors/facilitators are appointed to guide the participants in the use of these tools and contents.
The participants’ teams are involved in bi-weekly online sessions (2,5 hours each, including a 15’ break), integrating interactive learning practices and self-study activities with mentors’ facilitation.
At the end of the online module, the participants will be asked to perform some tasks directly related to the contents:
- identify a pertinent subject/story for a short multimedia report
- implement the GEMap section of the AGEMI platform by researching and collecting best practices and organisations that actively work in the concerned field.
The journalists having proposed the 10 best video-subjects will be selected by the advisory team for participating in a 3-day workshop[2] in Hammamet (Tunisia), in parallel with the MedUni 2021 event of the North/South Centre.
During this session, the beneficiaries will be introduced to cross-media production techniques and smart forms of journalism. Two media experts will coach the journalists during both the theoretical and practical phases aimed at producing news items starting from the subjects already developed and written before the selection.
Expected results
- Increased participants’ awareness of the stereotypes targeting women and girls in Europe and the South-Med regions and on the treatment of gender mainstreaming in the media.
- Improved professional capacities of young journalists related to smart journalism and the use of new technologies.
- Reinforced networking and cooperation between beneficiaries from different countries, sectors and backgrounds.
- Production of a thematic multimedia collection adapted to radio, TV and internet target audiences.
- Dissemination of female success stories as positive models of women empowerment.
- Raised awareness on cultural diversity, fight to persisting female stereotypes and gender equal opportunities among audiences of the target regions.
Beneficiaries and eligibility criteria
The candidates must meet the following criteria:
- Proficiency in English or French (good level of written and spoken English is mandatory)
- Basic knowledge about media and gender-related issues
- Priority is given to candidates aged up to 36 years
Places are limited. Interested candidates have to send their application (CV + motivation letter) not later than 05/02/2021 to both the following addresses:
Ms. Elena Chiaberge
Ms. Micol Pancaldi
Participants must engage in the whole training process.
[2] Participation costs (travel, accommodation, meals and local transportation) are covered by the project.
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