The Women’s Network of Croatia is organizing a symbolic public action, “Safe in the workplace, free from abuse!”. On International Women’s Day on 8th of March at 10:30 a.m. at Saint Mark’s Square, in front of the Government building, there will be a protest and demand that the conditions for women’s safe and free work environment be ensured.
On the eve of the action on St. Mark’s Square, we have invited women to send a quote about the insults they faced at the workplace. Numerous female colleagues from various Croatian media houses contacted the Trade Union of Croatian Journalists, and their testimonies are horrifying.
“Are any of these new ones good to fuck?”
“She got that position because she blew him off.”
“New female students have arrived; you must see which of them are easy.”
“If you are female and close to 50, your chances are zero!”
“You are not here to think!”
“Referring to the Labor Law is neither polite nor professional.”
“Choose: work or private life!”
“She wants to be a mother; don’t hire her.”
“She has a child, skip her.”
These are just a few of the quotes, you can follow the rest on the Women’s Network and TUCJ’s social media networks.
Gender-based violence, abuse, and sexual harassment at work are the most common forms of discrimination and violations of women’s labor rights. Trade Union representatives receive the most significant number of reports of gender-based violence, abuse, and sexual harassment at work.
The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) estimates in the results of its research that up to 75 percent of women in the European Union in a professional capacity or top management positions have experienced sexual harassment during their lifetime (FRA, 2014).
According to research conducted by independent expert Dunja Bonacci Skenderović, the share of women in Croatia who have experienced sexual harassment in the workplace is 73%. Most women have experienced multiple forms of sexual harassment and violence, from unwanted sexual comments to attempted rape or rape by various individuals. Women are a common target of abuse in the workplace!
Only 16% reported harassment due to a lack of trust in the protection system and a fear of retaliation.
Therefore, on 8th of March, we request that Croatia urgently ratify Convention 190 of the International Labor Organization against violence and harassment and actively implement protection against violations of women’s labour rights.
On 8th of March, the representatives of the Women’s Network will submit requests related to the urgent resolution of this burning problem of women to the Government of the Republic of Croatia.